I'm often asked “why did you start Daring to Dad?” Truth is, I started sharing my experience because fatherhood is hard and I was scared. It took my breath away. I needed to hear that I was going to be ok and that I was a good dad because I sure as hell didn’t feel like it. I started writing about it. I thought maybe sharing my experience might prompt someone else to reach out and throw me a line. I felt desperate.
The responses started to come in and literally began pulling me out of the dark. It was other men that picked me up ,dusted me off and held me long enough to gain the confidence I needed to move forward. For that I am forever grateful.
This is also what keeps me going. I want to be there for others feeling lost and alone in the dark. To respond to calls for help and offer myself as a life raft to anyone who needs it, like those who did it for me (and continue to do so).
I'm a certified integral coach, a former pastor and for over 15 years I've been helping organizations and individuals thrive through holistic spiritual integration, social change, and business growth.

How I Can Help You
Looking for some support and guidance as a single dad? Schedule a single coaching session with Ryan and let's connect, share challenges, and work on solutions together. This one-hour session is the first step in helping you feel a sense of clarity and confidence in your parenting journey.
Ongoing coaching provides the greatest catalyst for change and impact. With options for ongoing coaching spanning 3, 6, or 9 months, these sessions provide an incredible opportunity for participants. Customized, oriented plans and bi-weekly sessions, along with full access to a private messenger app, ensure a transformative experience for you and your family.